Press Feeds

V series


The Variax V Series is a high-performance cam-actuated variable roll feed that uses fan-shaped sector rolls and four cam mechanisms. It offers unparalleled accuracy and convenient design features for ease of operation and use. Numerous technical innovations have made the V Series the choice feeder for stamping lines all over the world for more 20 years since its inception. Innovations such as dual-driven rolls, parallelism adjustment for the rolls and brake, and an absolute digital counter for precise feed pitch display are just a few examples. Sankyo has also developed newer models that are even easier to operate and handle while meeting specific needs, such as wide stock handling ability and advanced functionality.


High Reliability
Cam-actuated for excellent reliability.

Easy to Adjust
Push button operation for easy adjustment of feed pitch, material thickness, and grip force.
Also features parallelism adjustment for rolls and brakes.

Impressive Installed Base
The V Series has the longest history as an individual feeder with an impressive track record.


  • Motor cores
  • Connector
  • IC lead frame presses